with a tropical twist
Welcome to Port Douglas Artists Inc. We are a membership-based, volunteer run, not-for-profit association of artists from all across the Douglas Shire, in Far North Queensland.
Port Douglas Artists Inc. has a long and rich history as a leading community art collective, in the Port Douglas region since 2005. Members are of mostly professional level, working with a wide range of media; from painting, drawing and printing to weaving, sculpture, textiles and digital.
local artworks up close
Port Douglas Artists Inc. is proud to support its members through the promotion of their artworks across the Far North Queensland region. Members work can be viewed and purchased from the Port Douglas Art Gallery.
A regular exhibition schedule puts curated pieces into the spotlight.
Beyond Boundaries
Group exhibition
Opening Night Friday, September 27th, at 6:00 pm.
This is your chance to mingle with the artists, enjoy refreshments, and be the first to immerse yourself in their exceptional works.
By @port_douglas_artists
@portdouglaspictureframing upstairs
9 Pioneer Close, Craiglie
Open 9–5pm
Closing 2pm 11th October.
Port Douglas
Art Gallery
the best of our regions artistry
Port Douglas Artists Inc. was established in 2015, as a collective hub of professional creatives living in the region, but it’s origins go much further back.
The brainchild of the late artist, Jill Booth, whose Gallery of Fine Art and ArtHouse Workshops supported and celebrated local artists throughout the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, this collective of established, practicing artists were skilled in a range of mediums: textiles and fabrics from Linda Jackson, printmaking from Anna Curtis, watercolour & sketching from Gail Shaw, glass artistry from Marie and Ola Holland, and painters including Terry Johnson, Tania Heben and Jill Booth, all originally tutoring workshops via ArtHouse and presenting exhibitions; notably the Low Isles Exhibitions of 2007 & 2008, and launching the renowned GoTroppo at the Port Douglas Sugarwharf, in 2008.
Formally becoming an incorporated body in 2015, Port Douglas Artists Inc. launched with an original membership of 14 local artists, and has since doubled in size with more notable regional artists and creatives joining as members.
We operate in compliance with the Queensland Government's model rules for incorporated associations.
Port Douglas Artists is a membership organisation.
If you are a practicing artist based in the Douglas Shire and interested in being part of the collective, just tap the button below.