Danielle Piat

I live on a property in Port Douglas, North Queensland, surrounded by palm trees, flowers and an abundance of birdlife and wildlife.

Most days I see so many birds, frogs, stick insects and Ulysses Butterflies - if I am lucky I hear a dingo howl outback and a wild pig grunting down in the gully. On my drive into town I always slow down at the bridge crossing to eye the local crocodile sunbaking.

My creative process is solitary. I did have for many years my German Shepherd girl as company whilst I painted but she recently crossed over the rainbow bridge - I feel her spirit at all times beside me.

I spend my days in my studio - often drinking tea and procrastinating but at other times, with The Cure blaring in my headphones, I create at a very frantic pace.

My art tells stories about animals and nature and female strength - animals for me are everything and I would wish, if I had one wish, that humanity had more respect for our fellow creatures and Mother Earth - the world, after all, is merely a reflection of our inner self.

I feel so so blessed to be able to create art and I hope my art brings you joy as it does to me when I create it.


Victoria Park


Mary Ann Runciman