Jill Chism

From a long career as a professional artist, I have learnt to stand back further from the work I am creating; become less attached to the outcome and more convinced about the process where the main magic occurs.

The work is telling me where it wants to go, rather than me envisaging an outcome to work towards. There is so much freedom in this approach: no attachment to how I ‘present’ as an artist, no attachment to an imagined audience and their responses and no attachment to beliefs about art other than my experienced understanding of it as a vital language offering infinite possibilities; Possibilities that are only stifled by expectations.

It was this perspective that encouraged me to develop several new series of work involving found objects and lately sticks. Aside from Assemblage works and sculptures, I am making a series of ‘Found Line’ works following the unprecedented dumping of debris from flooding following Cyclone Jasper. 

In August 2024 I have a solo exhibition scheduled at NorthSite Gallery, Cairns. All work presented on this local site will reflect my studio based art practice from 2020. To view public art and the history of my practice as an environmental artist and installation artist please go to my websites and Instagram page.


Rainer Breit


Perrin Clarke