Sam Matthews (moo)
I am inspired by nature and solitude and work mainly with clay, mosaics and plants.
I believe that I am a minuscule piece in a much larger picture and that for every action there is a reaction, ramification and consequence. Therefore we should tread lightly …and thoughtfully.
The context, themes and processes I use in my art revolve around the use of “negatives and positives”, “fragments that form a whole” and “assumption, interaction and disruption.” I like to make beautiful things that provoke some thought about uncomfortable subjects.
Likes :
Smiles and butterflies. Getting my hands dirty. Eccentricity. Sun, soil and water. Leaves, flowers and seeds. Trees. The little things – especially ants. Solitude. Building stuff. Gardening and growing things. Thinking outside the square. Cattle dogs, sheds, old houses, old Holdens and Harley Davidsons.
Dislikes :
Conforming. Small minded people. Prejudice. Meanness. Racism. Violence. War. Consumerism. Nationalism. Bullies. Doing nothing.